Illinois Democrats control both the state House and Senate, but we can't be complacent.

By default, donations made on this page will be split evenly among the bold-faced funds below, but you can also pick & choose which campaigns to support using the "Customize Amounts" tool.

All donations go directly to the campaigns/funds listed; I receive nothing.

  • *= incumbent
  • HD-045 (D+05): Marti Deuter
  • HD-047 (Even): Jackie Williamson
  • HD-048 (D+02): Maria Vesey
  • HD-051 (D+01): Nabeela Syed*
  • HD-052 (R+05): Maria Peterson
  • HD-063 (R+03): Mary Mahady
  • HD-065 (R+07): Linda Robertson
  • HD-066 (D+06): Suzanne Ness*
  • HD-070 (R+09): Randi Olson
  • HD-079 (D+04): Billy Morgan
  • HD-082 (R+07): Suzanne Akhras
  • HD-091 (D+07): Sharon Chung*
  • HD-097 (D+08): Harry Benton*
  • HD-104 (R+04): Jarrett Clem
  • HD-111 (R+04): Nick Raftopoulos
  • HD-112 (D+07): Katie Stuart*
  • SD-40 (D+07): Patrick Joyce*
Strategic Districts / Other: 
  • IL Democratic Party
  • IL House Democrats
  • IL Senate Democrats