Just three weeks ago I posted this entry:
Nebraska has a U.S. Senate situation which may sound similar to Georgia in 2020: Deb Fischer and Pete Ricketts (both of whom are Republicans in this red state) are both up for re-election at the same time this November due to former Governor Ricketts being appointed to fill out the remainder of Ben Sasse's term after Sasse resigned.
Nebraska Democrats are only officially running a candidate against Ricketts for his partial (2-year) term: Professor & activist Preston Love. No Democrat filed to run against Deb Fischer for the states other full, 6-year term.
However, there's an independent candidate named Dan Osborn who has been running for some time now, and he appears to be gaining traction...
...When I checked a few weeks ago, Osborn didn't have an ActBlue page; the donation page on his website directs people to donate via DonorBox, PayPal or Venmo, and as of this writing, the Nebraska Democratic Party's website doesn't list anyone as having been endorsed by them against Fischer.
HOWEVER, two important things happened today.
First, Osborn now has an active ActBlue account set up. This is significant because ActBlue requires nonpartisan candidates to be running in races "without Democratic candidates and with an official Democratic Party endorsement."
The full-term Nebraska Senate seat definitely meets the first half of this criteria. As for the second half, that's where the other development comes in: A tweet this morning from Nebraska Democratic Party Chair Jane Kleeb:
Nebraska has two Senate candidates--both @OsbornForSenate and @Love4Senate--that are going directly to the people from all parties all across our state. One an Independent and one a Democrat who both **care** about working and middle-class families. Meanwhile, Fischer and… https://t.co/RyWd0HGAhA
— Jane Kleeb (@janekleeb) April 24, 2024
Based on Osborn's ActBlue page going live and on the Chair of the Nebraska Democratic Party all but publicly announcing they were endorsing his independent bid, I went ahead and added Osborn to my U.S. Senate fundraising page.
...Until today, when this happened:
Proud to make the unprecedented announcement I am officially declining the endorsement of every politician and political party in America.
I get it. I've raised a million dollars and I'm polling neck and neck with Deb Fischer. So here come the politicians!
— Dan Osborn, Independent for Senate (@OsbornForSenate) May 15, 2024
Recently I've been offered political endorsements from Democrats, Republicans, independents. To all of these people I say, sincerely and with appreciation: thanks but no thanks.
— Dan Osborn, Independent for Senate (@OsbornForSenate) May 15, 2024
I'll take endorsements from small businesses, from veterans, from unions, from normal people. I just want YOUR endorsement.
I'm independent, that's who I am, and I'll stay independent. See you on the trail.
— Dan Osborn, Independent for Senate (@OsbornForSenate) May 15, 2024
Huh. Um....ok.
It's worth noting that he posted this the day after the Nebraska primary. Not that it matters that much since the filing deadline passed way back on March 1st anyway.
This by itself would have been strange enough, but the public response from Nebraska Democratic Party Chair Jane Kleeb was, if anything, even more surreal:
Nebraska Democratic Party Statement on Dan Osborn
LINCOLN, NE – The Nebraska Democratic Party Chair Jane Kleeb issues the following statement regarding Dan Osborn
For months, the Nebraska Democratic Party has been meeting with Dan Osborn to discuss forming a coalition of voters to defeat Deb Fischer. For months Dan has told the Democratic party that he wants the party’s endorsement and asked us to keep our ballot line open so we could form a coalition. Elections are won by addition not subtraction and today by Dan going back on his word he is telling Democratic voters that he doesn’t want their party’s support. We kept our word to Dan and now that he has betrayed that trust we will put forward a write-in candidate to represent the Democratic Party.
I'm not entirely sure what to make of all this, but I've decided to go ahead and remove Osborn from my U.S. Senate ActBlue page, at least temporarily, until this dustup settles and I'm confident that he's worth supporting.
The good news is I had raised less than $100 for him before making this decision; anyone who donated to his campaign who wants their donation refunded can contact his campaign here.