Thanks in large part to a new analysis of the various Attorneys General & Secretaries of State races from Louis Jacobson of Sabato's Crystal Ball, along with some other candidate research I've been doing, I've gone ahead and filled in seven more of the Gov, AG & SoS races on my Statewide Executive page, as well as making one important change to an existing listing.
CHANGED: Oregon Attorney General
- Was: Ellen Rosenblum
- Changed to: Dan Rayfield
Reason: Apparently incumbent AG Rosenblum announced her retirement last September, which I didn't find out about until today since both her ActBlue account as well as her campaign website are still active as of this writing.
Via Sabato's Crystal Ball:
Rosenblum is retiring after first winning the post in 2012. Momentum has gathered behind Democratic House Speaker Dan Rayfield.
- Washington Governor: Bob Ferguson
- Washington Secretary of State: Steve Hobbs*
- Missouri Attorney General: Elad Gross
- Montana Attorney General: Ben Alke
- Montana Secretary of State: Jesse Mullen
- Utah Governor: Brian King
- Vermont Governor: Esther Charlestin