The major party filing deadline passed today in West Virginia. Only one Democratic candidate filed to run for Governor or for Secretary of State, so I've added both of them to my Statewide Executive fundraising page:
- Governor: Steve Williams
Born and raised in West Virginia Steve Williams built a successful career in banking and finance where he helped individuals, small businesses, and corporations achieve their goals. Elected Mayor in 2012, Steve inherited a city in sharp decline. Essential services were being cut, first responders faced layoffs, and the city's bond rating was downgraded as it struggled to pay its bills. As Mayor, Steve took decisive action to overcome these challenges and in 2017 Huntington was selected the $3 million grand prize winner of the America's Best Communities competition from among 350 cities nationwide. Working with community leaders the Williams administration has been able to leverage millions of dollars in additional grants and corporate investments to revitalize Huntington. And he's done it all without raising taxes! As Governor, Steve will bring the same energy and drive to make sure the best West Virginia is yet to come.
- Secretary of State: Thornton Cooper
Thornton Cooper is a native and resident of South Charleston, an attorney, and a retired state employee.
Between 2006 and 2015 Mr. Cooper served on the Kanawha County Democratic Executive Committee (KCDEC), as a committeeman representing Executive Committee District 2-B. Since 2011, he has also been serving as a committeeman for his ward on the South Charleston Democratic Executive Committee (SCDEC) and as the Secretary of the SCDEC. He is currently the Acting Chairman of the SCDEC.
Unfortunately, Mr. Cooper doesn't appear to have an active ActBlue account set up yet; if & when he does, I'll add him to the page.
Meanwhile, two Democrats are running for West Virginia Attorney General:
- Richie Robb
- Teresa Toriseva
I'll add whichever of them wins the primary on May 14th, assuming they have an ActBlue account set up.